by a whisker / ˈʰwɪs kər, ˈwɪs- /


by a whisker 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. whiskers, a beard.
  2. Usually whiskers. side whiskers.
  3. a single hair of the beard.
  4. Archaic. a mustache.
  5. one of the long, stiff, bristly hairs growing about the mouth of certain animals, as the cat or rat; vibrissa.
  6. Also called whisker boom, whisker pole .Nautical. any spar for extending the clew or clews of a sail so that it can catch more wind.
  7. Radio, Electronics. cat whisker.
  8. Crystallography. a thin filament of a crystal, usually several millimeters long and one to two microns in diameter, having unusually great strength.

by a whisker 近义词

by a whisker

等同于 narrowly

更多by a whisker例句

  1. The best beard conditioner will soften the whiskers and make them easier to style and manage.
  2. By repeating this pattern, they dampened the whisker-neuron connection, making the cell less likely to respond to whisker movements.
  3. The resulting ice whiskers were a few micrometers in diameter or less, a fraction of the width of a typical human hair.
  4. Now an interdisciplinary team at Northwestern University has come up with a new model to help predict how a rat's whiskers activate different sensory cells to do just that, according to a new paper published in the journal PLOS Computational Biology.
  5. Such work could one day enable scientists to build artificial whiskers as tactile sensors in robotics as well as shed further light on human touch.
  6. Not anymore: A Rasmussen poll out last week now shows Pryor ahead by a whisker, and the race is now essentially a tie.
  7. Some taxidermists actually remove and reinsert each whisker individually by hand to support their biological narrative.
  8. Todd made a $2,000 donation to charity and kept the goatee by a whisker.
  9. She went quickly through the drawing-room door into the house, leaving Jaffery still scratching a red whisker.
  10. He had neither whisker nor moustache, which allowed the soft curves of the lower part of his face to be apparent.
  11. She gathered the three remaining ones together, and fed them and licked them all over tenderly with soft whisker kisses.
  12. The fact, however, was that no whisker could be made to come sufficiently forward to be of service, and therefore he wore none.
  13. This officer's face was a whisker plantation, through which his eyes peeped forth like two snakes coiled up in a window-brush.